Feeling Lost or Stuck?
Discover Your Path to a Fulfilling Life with Room To Breathe.
Embark on a transformative journey to uncover your true self and embrace a life filled with joy and connection.

Do you ever feel like you're not living the life you're meant to be living?
Do you feel disconnected from the person you were meant to be?
Are you ready to make a change in your life but don't know where to start?
You are not alone.
Reconnect to who you are authentically.
Uncover and move past beliefs and habits that have been holding you back for years.
Start the biggest adventure of your lifetime.
You already know the life you are meant to live.
It’s waiting just beyond the horizon of your current reality. Feeling stuck or lost isn't a sign of failure; it's a call to adventure, a signal that you're ready for a significant transformation.
At Room To Breathe, we don't create your path. You do. We're here to empower you, offering tools, support, and guidance as you rediscover and embrace your true self, stepping into the life you're destined to lead.

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emailed every Monday evening.
“Michael is so immediately personable, relaxed, present and fluent in what he is doing. His passion and commitment shows clearly. Michael is a truly exceptional facilitator and teacher… a gift and we are truly blessed.”
DR Sue Canney Davison
“Michael changed my life! He helped me dream bigger, push harder and really stretch myself….The breakthrough was something almost impossible to put into words…You open up to your biggest doubts, fears and insecurities…What you leave with is a brighter, cleaner, better version of you. My wife, family and friends comment on how I look different, I carry myself different.”
Mathew Neves
Michael is one of the most charismatic, and yet humble, Breathwork Facilitators that has come through Breathing Space. This makes him easily one of the most powerful. I know that the Universe has a huge role for him in lighting up the world. It has been an honour and a joy to walk with him. He will be a Rockstar Breathworker, mark my words!
Benedict Beaumont, Founder of Breathing Space
Michael is a true superstar of breathwork because he is giving everything in a truly professional way, yet doing nothing more but showing up, holding the very safest deepest space for each one for us, as himself . If you truly want to understand how deep a breathwork facilitator can allow you to go and still feel safe within your own boundaries, then breathe with Michael and you will be invited to come into yourself in ways you may never have imagined possible. If you have been lucky enough to come across Michael, know this is a once in a lifetime, pure gold, opportunity. I suggest you take it and dive in.
Sue Davison
Michael is an incredible leader in breathwork facilitation. He is a kind and generous human with a natural ability to hold people in a beautiful way. Breathing with Michael is a must, whether you're experienced or a first time, rest assured that you will not be disappointed.
Stefan Williams
Michael is one of the best facilitators I’ve ever had the pleasure to work with. His infectious energy is something everyone should experience, and his genuine, kind nature only serves to support everyone he meets. I would not hesitate to book with him, so neither should you!
Laura Dumbleton
Michael's breathworks are one of a kind - healing and transformative. The more you do them, the more you want them, not just because his breathworks vary a bit here and there, but also because you want to see where you can go. I trust Michael 100% with anyone who wants to give breathwork a go. He's a breathwork superstar about to rise up into his own greatness (thought humble enough he hardly even knows it)! Join in now and come along for the ride. It's going to be fun and very exciting!
Emma Uprichard
With the breath, Michael took me to places within myself I didn’t even realise I needed to go, helping me heal wounds I had buried for years. To breathe with Michael truly was a privilege.
Lottie Hall
Michael is a powerful presence, and facilitates with so much spirit. I feel deeply moved by your breathwork, and the daily morning practice is a great way to start the day. Thank you for everything.
Amelia Marchington
Michael’s gentle, thoughtful approach always feels so grounded in a deep, ongoing and evolving connection with the emotional landscape through which he has travelled in his own life. Through his humility and compassion, together with his humour and creative drive, Michael offers a holding space that offers creative rediscovery without all the fuss!
Triona Ni Mhuircheartaigh
Step 1.
book a free 15minute call
Let’s get straight to it! We will identify where you want to be and some of the things that are holding you back. We’ll also see if we are a good match for each other.
Step 2.
Create A Plan
We develop a map for the journey you’re going to take, based on where you are and where you would like to get to.
Step 3.
The Adventure Begins!
Get ready to transform your life, with Room To Breathe by your side.
At Room To Breathe we know that you want to live a life in alignment with your authentic self. To do that you need to know who you are. Not who you say you are. Not the roles you play in life. You need to know who you really are.
So many of us have been conditioned since childhood into being ashamed of the things that make us unique. So much so that we often forget who we truly are, what excites us, what we are passionate about, leaving us feeling lost, stuck, and overwhelmed.
We believe that it is never too late to reconnect to the truest version of yourself, but understand that you may not know how to do that alone. That’s why we have developed a number of packages which can be individualised to help you reach your goals.

Here’s how it works:
Step 1.
Book a call.
This is where we start to identify the things that hold you back. We will also decide if we are a good match for each other.
Step 2.
Create a plan.
Together we will choose which of the packages best suit your needs and start work individualising the plan to your requirements.
Step 3.
The adventure begins!
Now starts the journey to living a fulfilling and purposeful life. Some of it may feel like hard work, but we will be there with you every step of the way.
take the first step and book a call.
Stop living your life in the rut someone else has said you belong in and start living a life driven by purpose and passion.